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When Luke left for his World Race I didn’t really think about it. Luke left and got to go to cool countries, and I missed him, but I didn’t really think about what he was doing until the video call on Thanksgiving day.

We had Thanksgiving in Athens, TX with my grandparents and there was a pastor from Kenya, Pastor Moses, (he was cool).

We came home and I looked up the World Race for the first time.

The World Race was separated into two long trips, Gap Year and Expedition. Gap year was a 9-month trip to three different countries geared towards 18 to 20 year olds. Expedition was an 11-month trip to six different countries geared toward 21 to 30 year olds.

The next Expedition trip left in January and the countries were super similar to the countries Luke was going to, but applications were closed for that trip. Then, I saw an Expedition trip that included Kenya left in August 2024.

I just met Pastor Moses from Kenya and here’s a trip going to Kenya.

I had planned to wait at least a week, so I knew that it would not be a personal, impulsive decision, but a God-lead decision. I waited 3 days. I was going to wait longer but God was like “Nope! You’re gonna do this right now!”

So I applied.

I set up the first interview three days after I looked at the world race website for the first time.

My first interview went well, with several back and forths, we had multiple interviews. It was determined that I should get some help processing the last few years and my goals for my future. I found a great counselor and we have been working hard for my goals. I have been working towards this goal for months. It is finally here! I have all my links and the fundraising begins. I am working with my Race Advisor on how best to raise funds quickly.

Race Time! Here we go!!